Topgolf Prices Explained: Why is Topgolf So Expensive?

Topgolf is a fun place where people can play golf games, eat good food, and have a great time with friends and family. But many people wonder why it costs so much to enjoy these activities at Topgolf.

There are a few reasons for the high prices. First, Topgolf uses advanced technology to make the games more exciting. They have special golf balls that track your shots and show your scores on screens. This technology costs a lot of money to develop and maintain. Second, Topgolf locations are large and need a lot of space and upkeep. They also have comfortable seating, great food, and friendly staff to make your visit enjoyable. All of this adds to the cost.

Finally, Topgolf offers a unique experience that you can’t find anywhere else, which makes it worth the extra money for many people.

Topgolf is expensive because it uses advanced technology to track your golf shots, has large and well-maintained locations, offers great food and comfortable seating, and provides a unique and fun experience. All these things cost a lot of money to provide, which is why the prices are high.

Why is Topgolf So Expensive?

Topgolf is a fun place where you can play golf games, eat good food, and enjoy time with friends and family. But many people wonder why it costs so much. Here are the main reasons:

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Why is Topgolf So Expensive
Why is Topgolf So Expensive

Advanced Technology

Topgolf uses special technology to make the games more exciting. Each golf ball has a microchip inside it. When you hit the ball, the chip tracks where it goes and shows your score on a screen. This technology is expensive to create and keep working properly.

Large and Nice Locations

Topgolf places are very big and need a lot of space. They have many hitting bays, comfortable seating and sometimes even music and lights. Keeping these places clean, nice, and in good condition costs a lot of money.

Great Food and Drinks

Topgolf offers a variety of tasty food and drinks. They have kitchens, chefs, and waitstaff to prepare and serve meals. Good quality food and drink service adds to the overall cost.

Unique Experience

Playing golf at Topgolf is not like playing golf anywhere else. The mix of games, social atmosphere, and extra features like food and music make it a special experience. People are willing to pay more for something unique and fun.

Friendly Staff

Topgolf hires friendly and helpful staff to make sure you have a great time. From the people who greet you to the ones who serve your food, everyone is there to help you enjoy your visit. Paying their salaries also adds to the cost.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Running a Topgolf location involves a lot of maintenance. The equipment, like the golf balls and screens, needs regular care. The buildings and grounds need to be kept clean and safe. All these upkeep costs add up.

In summary, Topgolf is expensive because of its advanced technology, large and nice locations, great food and drinks, unique experience, friendly staff, and the cost of maintenance. All these things make Topgolf a special place to visit, but they also make it more expensive.

How much is Topgolf per person?

The cost of Topgolf per person can vary depending on the location, time of day and day of the week. Here’s a general idea of the pricing structure:

Bay Rental Fees

Topgolf charges by the hour for renting a bay, and up to six people can share one bay. The hourly rates generally look like this:

  • Morning (Open to Noon): $25-$35 per hour
  • Afternoon (Noon to 5 PM): $35-$45 per hour
  • Evening (5 PM to Close): $45-$60 per hour

Membership Fees

Each player needs a membership to play, which is a one-time fee of around $5.

Food and Drinks

Food and drink prices vary, but a meal and a drink can cost between $10 and $25 per person.

Total Cost Estimate

If you go in the evening with a group of six people and share the cost, it might look something like this:

  • Hourly Bay Rental: $45-$60 per hour
  • Membership Fee: $5 per person (one-time fee)
  • Food and Drinks: $10-$25 per person

For a two-hour visit with food and drinks, it could cost around $30-$50 per person.

Example Calculation for Evening Visit

For a two-hour visit in the evening for six people sharing one bay:

  • Bay Rental: $60 x 2 hours = $120 (shared among 6 people)
  • Membership Fee: $5 per person
  • Food and Drinks: $15 per person (average)

Total per person: (120 / 6) + 5 + 15 = $40.

This is just an estimate, and actual costs may vary based on your specific location and personal spending on food and drinks.


How much is Topgolf for 2 hours?

The cost of playing at Topgolf for 2 hours can vary based on the time of day and location. Here’s a general breakdown:

Morning (Open to Noon)

  • Hourly Bay Rental: $25-$35 per hour
  • Cost for 2 Hours: $50-$70

Afternoon (Noon to 5 PM)

  • Hourly Bay Rental: $35-$45 per hour
  • Cost for 2 Hours: $70-$90

Evening (5 PM to Close)

  • Hourly Bay Rental: $45-$60 per hour
  • Cost for 2 Hours: $90-$120

Additional Costs

  • Membership Fee: $5 per person (one-time fee for new players)
  • Food and Drinks: are usually not included in the bay rental fee and can vary widely.

Example Calculation

For an evening visit (most expensive time) for 2 hours:

  • Bay Rental: $60 x 2 hours = $120
  • Membership Fee: $5 per person (if applicable)

If you’re bringing food and drinks into consideration, it will add to the total cost. For instance, if two people each spend $20 on food and drinks:

  • Food and Drinks: $20 x 2 = $40
  • Total Cost: $120 (bay rental) + $10 (membership for 2 new players) + $40 (food and drinks) = $170

Therefore, for 2 hours of playtime in the evening for two people, including membership fees and food/drinks, you might expect to pay around $170.

How does Topgolf reservation fee work?

Topgolf reservation fees work to guarantee that you have a bay waiting for you when you arrive. Here’s how it typically works:

Making a Reservation

  1. Online or Phone Booking: You can make a reservation online through the Topgolf website or by calling the location directly.
  2. Selecting Time and Duration: Choose the time and duration of your play. The reservation fee usually applies for specific time slots, often during peak hours.

Reservation Fee

  • Fee Amount: The reservation fee can vary by location and time. It is an additional charge on top of the hourly bay rental fee. It is often between $25 and $50.
  • Payment: The reservation fee is paid at the time of booking to secure your spot.

Bay Rental Fees

  • Hourly Rate: In addition to the reservation fee, you will still need to pay the standard hourly rate for the bay rental. This rate can vary based on the time of day (morning, afternoon, or evening).

Example Cost Breakdown

For a 2-hour evening reservation:

  1. Reservation Fee: $25-$50
  2. Bay Rental Fee: $45-$60 per hour

Total cost for 2 hours could be:

  • Reservation Fee: $25-$50
  • Bay Rental Fee: $45 x 2 hours = $90 to $60 x 2 hours = $120
  • Total Cost: $115 to $170

Important Points

  • Non-Refundable: The reservation fee is usually non-refundable, so if you cancel, you might lose this fee.
  • Separate from Play Costs: The reservation fee does not cover the cost of playing or food and drinks. It is purely to hold your spot.
  • Advance Booking: It is advisable to book in advance, especially during weekends or holidays when demand is high.

In summary, the reservation fee ensures you have a bay reserved at your preferred time, but you’ll still need to pay the regular hourly rates for playing and any additional costs for food and drinks.


Topgolf is expensive because it offers advanced technology to track your golf shots, large and well-maintained locations, great food, and comfortable seating. It also provides a unique and fun experience that you can’t find anywhere else. All these factors cost a lot of money to provide, which is why the prices are high. Despite the cost, many people find the experience at Topgolf worth it for the fun and memorable moments it creates.

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